2014 Reflections, Hello 2015!

How is it 2015 already?!
As we quickly delve into another year, I always like to carve out some time to take a look at the past year - what I learned, what I could have done better, what I kicked ass at. As a new business owner, this has become more relevant than ever. It's important to look at what didn't get done and why, but more importantly what you did, because let's be honest - the struggle of day to day for any entrepreneur is real, and focusing on the positive is a kind reminder of why it is all worth it at the end of the day.
Awesome Accomplishments of 2014
1) We celebrated our 1st year in business - and it was awesome!
2) I bought out my former business partner - and am now 100% owner (*woot*).
3) The Sugar Cube got it's very own Headquarters office & work studio - and it is very purple, pictures to come soon!
4) I paid my taxes - this one probably doesn't seem like a big deal, but as an entrepreneur paper work is usually the last thing on your list to complete, and boy, was this ever for me.
5) We made our first batch of homemade candy - which was epic.
6) I quit my day job - and it was scary as shit.
People get a lot of flack for using the term 'resolutions' around this time of year - but as I sit down to reflect, I always think about goals that I want to accomplish in the coming year. So here they are!
Goals for 2015
1) Do financials on a monthly basis. There is a reason behind this, and if you are a new entrepreneur I recommend you follow me on this piece of advice, if nothing else. Your peace of mind, knowledge of your business, and diminishing stress levels will thank you for it.
2) Read more - for pleasure, for learning, for industry depth. All of the above. I recently joined a book club, started by a friend,
Click here to learn about what we are reading as our first book, and to join along with the adventure. Highly recommended community for us lady entrepreneurs.
3) Be more involved in the community - put myself out there to network, mingle, and find peace of mind knowing that all entrepreneurs have similar struggles and successes that I do.
4) Focus on the big picture - set quarter, annual, and 3 year goals. Don't get stuck in the day to day of the business - which is easier said than done, but is what I need to focus on in order to grow my business and continue to love what I do every day.
5) Improve my photography - this is a very visual business, I have always had an interest in photography - so now I have an excuse to dedicate more time to it.
6) Hire my first full-time employee - this is a big, scary one for me. I will be posting about my experiences later in the year - so stay tuned! And if you know any awesome candy lovin' peeps - send them my way!
Tell them to email their resume & cover letter to alyssa@sugarcubeyyc.com
I cannot tell you guys how excited I am for 2015! There are so many great things on the horizon both personally and professionally for me, and I cannot wait to share them with you! As always, I am sure there will be struggles along the way - but I want to share those with you as well, the struggles are what make you stronger after all :). And to share them with others, is a very humbling experience.
So cheers to an awesome, and equally humbling 2015!
Justin – I love you, thanks so much for the support since day one. The Sugar Cube definitely wouldn’t even be possible without both you and Curtis!
xo :)
Words can’t decribe how incredibly proud I am of you ! Seems like just yesterday there was this idea and boxes and boxes of candy in our living room.. So happy for you ! Can’t wait to see you run your Empire xox
Samantha – thanks for following along with the journey! I am excited to meet you this Spring and check out the truck – it should be a great season this summer! Feel free to reach out to me if you ever have any questions :)